Your very own ECFiber continues to appear in several regional news outlets after celebrating lighting the last of our 23 original member towns yesterday; a feat well over a decade in the making! The overwhelmingly positive show of support from politicians and the general public was truly remarkable.

“By banding together on a community basis and using a form of self-government, the Communication Union District, to manage it, we were able to raise the money to do it. We can operate the business, we can pay the employees well, we can pay off the money we’ve been borrowing,” says ECFiber Board Chair, F.X. Flinn

“If we in rural Vermont were going to depend on the big telecommunication companies to wire our homes and get us internet, we’d be waiting until our grandchildren had grandchildren,” said VT Senator Peter Welch, a Norwich resident. “It wasn’t going to happen. We are now on the threshold of having high-speed internet that goes to every home, barn and business in the state,” Welch declared.
A special thank you to all those in attendance and who helped orchestrate the event including but not limited to: F. X. Flinn, Sharon Trautwein, Vermont CUD Association, Vermont Community Broadband Board, Representative Laura Sibilia, David Zuckerman.