Barnard, VT
With a 94% pre-subscription rate in 2008, the residents of Barnard demonstrated an overwhelming desire to support ECFiber in its initial effort to bootstrap the organization and many Barnard homes and businesses were among the first ECFiber customers to come on-line in 2011.
In April 2019 the build was essentially complete, with only a little bit of rework to be done to relocate to new poles in East Barnard and add more capability to the original network in other parts of town. That work is now complete!
Governing Board Representatives, Barnard
Dan Leavitt
Richard Lancaster
Patrick Kell
Contact Us:
Bethel, VT
Along with Barnard, the village center of Bethel and customers on Vermont Route 12 were fortunate enough to be one of the initial areas to receive ECFiber’s service in 2011. Since then, fiber optic service in the township has expanded up Christian Hill Road to Town Highway 59 as well as parts of Lilliesville, Lympus, Dartt Hill and Campbell Road areas.
Please visit the organization’s website ( to see if we are currently in your area. If we aren’t there and you want service, please sign up as an interested subscriber.

Bradford, VT
Bradford joined ECFiber in July 2020 and will be part of our future construction plans.
Governing Board Representatives, Bradford
Ryan Lockwood
Monique Priestly
Contact Us:
Braintree, VT
During the winter and spring of 2018 design work was completed in order to begin building additional portions of a majority of the town. The work on those additional miles of the fiber-optic network has since been completed.
Braintree is looking for a second delegate to the ECFiber governing board. No technology experience required! Just a willingness to help bring high-speed internet to Braintree. Meetings are the second Tuesday of the month at the Vermont Law School.
Governing Board Representatives, Braintree
Joshua Ferris
Jackson Evans
Contact Us:
Brookfield, VT
ECFiber’s wicked fast internet service is now available throughout Brookfield. It has been a long time coming but once you get it there will be no more buffering, no more data or download caps, no contracts and if you take it, reliable telephone using your old landline number.
Governing Board Representatives, Brookfield
Dan Childs
Dan O’Brien
Contact Us:
Chelsea, VT
The Town of Chelsea has 18 miles of ECFiber fiber-optic network. ECFiber encourages people in Chelsea to contact them as there is no cost or commitment to determine if you are within reach of the existing lines. The more subscribers the town has, the faster ECFiber will be able to return and complete the remaining coverage.
Governing Board Representatives, Chelsea
Jonathan Maier
Robert Brannan
Arthur Edershein
Contact Us:

Corinth, VT
Corinth became an ECFiber member town in May 2020, to improve broadband speeds and reliability for Corinth residents and businesses. ECFiber’s multi-year network build out is constrained by state and national shortage of skilled labor, supply chains for some materials, and work by other owners of wire and cable attached to utility poles that must be done before fiber construction. Corinth is now in the queue in the construction schedule, subject to construction long programmed in other member towns. Therefore, we make no predictions of when service might be available at any Corinth location. Exceptions are at limited locations where “lighted” fiber already passes such locations. A short segment of ECFiber’s network now passes through Corinth Corners to reach residents on the north side of Vershire. As the date of service delivery for Corinth residents gets closer, we expect the the map at to show increasing mileage of lighted fiber “passings” in Corinth and in other towns. Corinth ECFiber delegates reply to each “sign-up” for eventual service with information that includes what appears here and suggestions for temporary alternatives. We are convinced that terrestrial fiber service from ECFiber, when available, will prove best value for speed, monthly data volume, reliability, cost and content.
Governing Board Representatives, Corinth
Ed Childs
Tim O’Dell
Dick Kelley
Contact Us:

Fairlee, VT
Fairlee joined ECFiber in May 2020 and will be part of our future construction plans.
Granville, VT
Granville is one of 6 towns selected for a complete build-out in 2018, along with Braintree, Brookfield, Hancock, Rochester, and Stockbridge. As there are no contracts and no payments required in advance, subscribing today will ensure your address is included in the initial build.
In the meantime, please let us (your ECFiber Governing Board delegates) know if you have any questions.
Governing Board Representatives, Granville
Richard Poole
Bruce Hyde
Contact Us:
Hancock, VT
Construction of Hancock’s ECFiber network was completed in early 2019. All addresses in Hancock, except for those on Maple Hill Rd. (which should soon be served as the Rochester portion of the network is completed), can be served by the ECFiber network.
Hartford, VT
During 2018, ECFiber designed a network expansion to Hartford in the Jericho neighborhood (and by virtue of the route West Hartford north of the White River), and downtown White River Junction. As there are no contracts and no payments required in advance, subscribing today will ensure your address is included in the initial build.
Governing Board Representatives, Hartford
F.X. Flinn
Jeff Brand
Bob Merrill
Contact Us:

Newbury, VT
The Town of Newbury is on the Connecticut River, in the northeast corner of Orange County, and includes Wells River, West Newbury, and Newbury Village. Founded in 1763, Newbury has historically been a transportation and farming town, featuring some of the “best bottomland soils in New England.” With about 2200 persons spread over 64 square miles and 106 miles of town roads, Newbury is one of the largest towns in Vermont. The town joined ECFiber in 2020.
Governing Board Representatives, Newbury
Claude O. Phipps
Brad Vietje
Liane Allen
Contact Us:
Norwich, VT
Since 2013, ECFiber has covered most neighborhoods in Norwich with several exceptions:
West – portions of North Chapel Hill, Sugarhouse, Mitchell Brook
North – Rte 5 north of Rt 132 and south of Farrell Farm
Central – Goodrich 4 Corners, Blood Hill, Bullock, Mystic
South – Jericho neighborhood (Joshua, Sugartop, etc.)
Governing Board Representatives, Norwich
Irv Thomae
Joshua Bohar
Bob Gere
Contact Us:

Pittsfield, VT
As of July 2017, all of Pittsfield had access to reliable, community-owned high-speed internet and phone service. Thanks to the extraordinary number of advance commitments Pittsfield was chosen as the first town to receive complete coverage. Great work Pittsfield!!
Pittsfield is a small town, with small-town values, but in today’s economy, reliable high-speed connection is critical for communities to thrive.
Now, more than ever, the ability to reliably work from home is critical to many Pittsfield residents.
Governing Board Representatives, Pittsfield
Elizabeth Warner
Herbert Kuendig
Contact Us:
Pomfret, VT
In 2018, service in Pomfret expanded throughout the town with service now available in nearly all of Pomfret. Gully & Austin Roads (along Route 12) are in process.
Governing Board Representatives, Pomfret
Alan Graham
Kristen Esty
Betsy Rhodes
Contact Us:

Randolph, VT
2021 is the year Randolph has been waiting for. Town wide expansion of the network to all premises that want service is underway and scheduled to be completed this year.
Currently, active routes in Randolph are mostly east of I-89, mainly the Rt. 14 valley, and portions of Rt. 66, Silloway, S. Randolph, Davis and Rogers Roads. We already have a large and growing list of subscribers who are planned but not lit routes. The most important thing Randolph residents can do to influence decisions about who gets connected and when is to subscribe— no cost and no commitment.
Governing Board Representatives, Randolph
Jerry Ward
CJ Stumpf
Ian Sears
Contact Us:
Reading, VT
We now have Springbrook Farm and Caper Hill Rd online and are working on connecting the Reading Fire Station and Adventure Quest Dr. Additionally, a few roads nearby West Windsor have come online – Flat Iron Road, Hurricane Hill Rd and Spear Cemetery Rd.
Governing Board Representatives, Reading
John Malcolm
Gerry Marletta
Contact Us:
Rochester, VT
Rochester is one of 6 towns selected for a complete build-out in 2018, along with Braintree, Brookfield, Granville, Hancock, and Stockbridge. This means every resident and business in Rochester will be able to subscribe and take advantage of ECFiber’s service this year. As there are no contracts and no payments required in advance, subscribing today will ensure your address is included in the initial build.
Working with the State of Vermont, ECFiber now has cables along Rte. 73, Rte. 100 and Liberty Hill Rd. If your home is one of these roads you can receive service now.

Royalton, VT
Royalton has 27 miles of lit network and approximately 144 current customers at year end 2017. We added 10 miles of active network in 2017 funded by Vermont Connectivity Grants.
Although large parts of town remain unserved they will be completed over the next few years. We encourage Royalton residents to subscribe so ECFiber can determine future network expansion. There is no cost and no commitment when you subscribe.

Sharon, VT
ECFiber completed network construction for Sharon in 2020. Service is available in all locations covered by physical utility poles. As of June 2023 more than 51% of the 1560 town premises used ECFiber as their ISP.
If you’re missing out on reliable true high-speed connection to the world, visit
Stockbridge, VT
Stockbridge is one of 6 towns selected for a complete build-out in 2018, along with Braintree, Brookfield, Granville, Hancock, and Rochester. This means every resident and business in Stockbridge will be able to subscribe and take advantage of ECFiber’s service this year. As there are no contracts and no payments required in advance, subscribing today will ensure your address is included in the initial build.
In the meantime, please let us (your ECFiber Governing Board delegates) know if you have any questions.
Governing Board Representatives, Stockbridge
Carl Groppe
Joshua Trudeau
Strafford, VT
The ECFiber build out in Strafford will be completed this year. There are now 177 local customers and counting along 29 miles of fiber. Brook, Cross, Robinson and Mine Roads are ready now. The Miller Pond Rd area will be ready when we have access to the utility poles along Sawnee Bean Road in Thetford.
Governing Board Representatives, Strafford
Stephen Willbanks
David Webb
Andy Behrens
Contact Us:
Thetford, VT
The ECFiber build out in Thetford will be completed this year. At the end of 2017 there were 217 customers along 28 miles of fiber. As spring approaches we are concentrating on getting the remainder of the unserved routes, mainly in East Thetford, the Post Mills area and a few other more remote areas, completed for connection. If you haven’t yet subscribed and have been waiting for service to reach your location, we encourage you to subscribe today so we can include you in the build we are currently completing.
In the meantime, please let us (your ECFiber Governing Board delegates) know if you have any questions.

Topsham, VT
Topsham joined ECFiber in July 2020 and will be part of our future construction plans.
Governing Board Representatives, Topsham
Rob Rinaldi
Peter Keene
Prentis Pratt
Contact Us:

Tunbridge, VT
The town of Tunbridge has fiber on almost all of its roads but connections to surrounding towns hubbs are needed to provide service. Much is happening right now in July. The active routes can be seen on the Map at More will be built until all town roads are built. You can help to streamline the process by subscribing now. This allows us to place a pin on our map showing your residence as a future site for ECFiber’s wicked fast, and reliable, internet and crisp, clear, and affordable telephone service. The ECFiber network engineers will use that map to make sure they can reach you and your neighbors. They will alert you when they are ready.
In the meantime, please let us (your ECFiber Governing Board delegates) know if you have any questions.
Governing Board Representatives, Tunbridge
Henry Swayze
Dick Dybvig
Amy Frost
Contact Us:
Vershire, VT
Vershire has 39 miles of road and about 59% of those either have existing fiber-optic lines or are within range to connect to one (see the Service map at We encourage people in Vershire to contact ECFiber as there is no cost or commitment to determine if you are within reach of the existing lines. The more subscribers the town has, the faster ECFiber will be able to return and complete the remaining coverage.
In the meantime, please let us (your ECFiber Governing Board delegates) know if you have any questions.

Washington, VT
Washington joined ECFiber in July 2020 and will be part of our future construction plans.
Governing Board Representatives, Washington
Erika Butler
Sandy Edmonds
Contact Us:

West Fairlee, VT
West Fairlee joined ECFiber in May 2020 and will be part of our future construction plans.
Governing Board Representatives, West Fairlee
Stephen Atwood
Alan Moats
Contact Us:

West Windsor, VT
With 52 miles of ECFiber’s fiber-optic network in West Windsor completed, everyone on a public road in West Windsor has access to our service.
There are over 350 connected customers in West Windsor and growing!
Please let us (your ECFiber Governing Board delegates) know if you have any questions.
Governing Board Representatives, West Windsor
Ken Parrot
Alessandro Iuppa
Contact Us:

Windsor, VT
Windsor joined ECFiber in May 2020 and will be part of our future construction plans.
Governing Board Representatives, Windsor
Michael Rice
Colin Moon
Christopher Goulet
Contact Us:
Woodstock, VT
In 2018, ECFiber achieved its objective to bring its service to the village of South Woodstock, extending the network from West Windsor, up Rush Meadow Road to the Kedron Valley Inn and residences on Route 106 to the Reading town line. An Internet Café was established at the South Woodstock Country Store where Woodstock residents and visitors are welcome to test-drive ECFiber’s service.
ECFiber is currently extending its network from the Prosper Valley School, down Pomfret Road to Thompson’s Corner and up Route 12 to the Barnard town line. Residents on that route who have not already signed up for ECFiber service should do so by going to
Governing Board Representatives, Woodstock
David Brown
Dan Orcutt
Alan Rozek
Contact Us: