Checklist upon connection via internet

  • Mute audio
  • Check your display name. It should be First Last – Town or – ValleyNet or – Guest

You will then be admitted to the meeting from the Waiting Room. If attending only by phone please be prepared to identify yourself to the meeting manager so they can input this information.

If using a phone for audio, we suggest that you first connect via the web so that you can see materials being presented; you can call in for audio after setting up the computer — get a participant ID off the audio popup and use that to marry the computer & call together.

Checklist during the meeting

  • Keep muted unless speaking
  • If you need to do something else for a minute, turn off your video
  • Phone users: muting your phone doesn’t mute you in the meeting; use *6 to mute and unmute, not the phone’s mute function.

If you have questions or concerns about any of the above, call, text or email F. X. Flinn at 802-369-0069 or

Call-in Phone Number

(646) 558-8656